Sunday, June 15, 2008

Can Music Vibrations Affect Water

Have you seen the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know Anyway?" I thought it was fantastic and was especially fascinated by the work of Dr. Masuru Emoto. Please enjoy this blog post from someone else who also impressed by this amazing body of work.

The movie, “What the Bleep Do We Know,” set all-time attendance records at the local Sedona movie house. Even the afternoon shows were filled to capacity. People were going back to see the movie two or three times! It’s a movie about Quantum Physics and the principle that many possibilities exist at the same time. If you have seen it, you will remember the photos of giant water crystals. These pictures are from a best-selling book called Hidden Messages in Water by Masuru Emoto. In short, he exposed water to different words or music and then froze it and took a picture of the crystal. The results are amazing. The essence of this discovery is that when water is exposed to words like “love & gratitude” or “hate” it can change the molecular structure. This is the principle of hado, a subtle form of energy that exists in all things. The hado or energy of the words and music affected the shape of the water crystals!
Sedona residents are into water! The local favorite is Fuji. At the local health market, you will also see people filling up water bottles with words written on them, like “love” or “happiness”! I will do this once in a while with the bottles of water I give clients on Sedona Vortex Experiences. The water does taste better!
Three days ago I began to read Masuru Emoto’s new book, The True Power of Water, about his work with water and healing. What I read blew my mind and I had an amazing breakthrough in my healing work with clients on Sedona Retreats. I saw that how he is using hado and water to heal people is very similar to my long-distance healing work! But it never occurred to me to use water to heal people in the specific manner that he is doing.
He sites this phenomena: If you measure the sound wavelength of a phone ringing in a room and then introduce the directly opposing wavelength into the room-the ringing disappears! Wow! Bose, the stereo company, is doing something very similar with their new headphones in making surrounding sound disappear.
Emoto has found a way to measure the vibration or wavelength of the origin of disease or stress in a person. Then he exposes a bottle of water to the directly opposing wavelength, which the patient will drink and thus cancel the vibration, healing the disease or any imbalance! The water is penetrating at a sub-atomic level-we are 70% water.
Part of my long-distance healing is to clairvoyantly discover the exact emotion or issue that is blocking a client’s life force or creating illness. Then I de-energize that negative emotion to initiate a healing or unblock the flow energy. Then I energize the opposing positive emotion. But it didn’t occur to me to have my client write the positive emotion that I clairvoyantly get on a bottle of water and drink it!! Ahhaaaa!!! In addition, I could also use my clairvoyance to estimate how many millions of vibrations per second of positive universal counterclockwise energy (p.u.c.e) to energize the “word” with. Also writing this on the bottle. Then each week, do another reading and make adjustments to the word/phrase and amount of p.u.c.e.

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