Saturday, July 22, 2006

Is there any music that can actually cool you down?

Yes, the nation if not the world is in the midst of a heat wave. I was at an outdoor wedding today and with a tent, fans, bottles of water and a swimming pool nearby, we were all still roasting, sweating, panting, and red-faced...until the music started! At that moment, I totally forgot about the temperature or the weather. I heard the sounds of a beautiful string orchestra playing just a few feed away and it simply transported me to another place where cool breezes were blowing and waves were lapping the shore. Amazing!

I became so inspired by this phenomemon this afternoon that I decided to offer all my readers a fantastic deal on some cooool summer music and a coool ebook I've written for you. If you're interested in getting over $55.00 in CD's and my ebook, all for only $14.97, click here:

This offer includes a download of my complete Lullaby CD, the complete Healing Music Sampler CD. and my ebook "Notes on Tuning Your Life with Music." It is a time-limited offer so grab it today and stay cool!


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