Music is powerful...that is a given. We need no scientific proof for this, all we have to do turn on a radio, or a TV or an iPod or even start humming or whistling or even THINK about humming or singing or listening to a favorite song! Floods of memories and events and feelings will wash over you and you are transported to a farway time and place! The reason for this flood of pleasure or sadness, or even anger is because music elicits powerful memories and because the mind and body are inseparably connected, we feel like dancing or smiling or laughing or crying!
Now, can this power be harnessed? You know it can be! When we're tired or lethargic but there are still hours in the day and work to do, we know just what to reach for that will energize and motivate. For me it's usually the oldies, pop music of the 60's. When we're exhausted and need to relax, unwind, and get ready for sleep, something slow and serene is in order. For me, that might be some Celtic melody or Enya. Slow jazz or moody blues can also be good. If you're sad and grieving or mourning the loss of a friend, a relationship, a job or a pet, you know the music that will help you through it. For me it might be a minor key violin or cello concerto...Dvorak comes to mind, or Bruch or Mendelssohn. But guess what? These awarenesses that we have have are not widely stood. Many people don't realize how powerful music is and it is valued primarily as entertainment. What will YOU do to spread the word? I have a full line of healing music products at Please check them out, buy a few for yourself and your family and share them with the world! Thanks!